Where lack of access to education, healthcare and employment
opportunities have tried to silence a generation in the Middle East,
we see extraordinary potential.


What can holistic restoration look like when we work together? At the end of 2010, the Arab world was flipped upside down. As revolutions swept across North Africa and the Middle East, Syria was plunged into a tragic, complex war that continues today. Over 5 million people have fled to countries around the world and over 6 million have been displaced within their own country.

A decade later, neighboring Lebanon plunged into a deep economic collapse that was accentuated by the blast on August 4th that killed around 200 people. The local currency has lost 90% of its value. More than half of the population is living below the poverty line. Families are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, men and women can’t find work and hundreds of thousands of children are unable to attend school.

Cedars Network began as a small group of people distressed by these realities. We saw the destruction caused by the war and heard first-hand stories of men, women and children who lost their homes, their family members and the lives they once knew. We saw the devastation caused by the blast and economic collapse. In the midst of all of the chaos, we also saw extraordinary potential in these people.

We are building a network of interdependent teams to collaborate with these marginalized communities in their pursuit of restored communities through holistic development projects.

We aspire to consider the whole person and whole community as we collaborate on projects.

How will a learning center impact not just the students, but the whole community? How can we create a health project that both serves the health needs of the community and also empowers the marginalized at the same time? How can we work out a project that will impact the livelihood of families for generations?

This is bigger than what we can do alone. We collaborate with people around the world in pursuit of holistic restoration of marginalized communities in the Middle East.


The weight of this collaborative pursuit is significant. In light of this, we hold fast to these core values to continually guide our work.

We value collaborating with individuals to take responsibility for their own well-being as well as to contribute to the well-being of their community.

We are committed to investing in communities for the sake of long-term revitalization.

We honor communities by seeking to understand cultural differences, suspending judgment and conducting ourselves in such a way that builds trust.

We strive to excel in every aspect of our work and continually look for ways to improve.

Join the Team

From the very beginning, we have known that we are better together, across country borders, cultural lines and socio-economic status. Each step we make towards each other is a step towards wholeness for all of us. Thank you for advocating, supporting and hoping with us.
