Fatima is a thirteen-year-old resilient dreamer with ambition to do big things in life. She is one of the refugee students who has grown up at Hope Learning Center and when she’s not learning with us, she’s working long hours to support her family. Coming to our learning center gives her something to look forward to each day and adds fuel to her ideas for the future.

She dreams of continuing her studies so that she can complete the 9th grade certification exam in her home country (equivalent to completing a GED in the US) and to achieve a better job and life circumstances than her family currently has. But she needs our help.

The Education Team’s learning centers have been running for the last six years, building the needed momentum for lots of students like Fatima to be able to complete this significant ninth-grade certification. The learning centers serve 9 camps and employ 14 Syrian and Lebanese school staff and provide quality education for 350 camp dwelling KG-6th grade children. A partner organization has made available to our students a preparation course for the certification… but the prerequisite is the completion of 7th grade. So this year we are expanding.

We are adding 7th grade classes to our learning centers to even further equip Fatima and our other students to prepare for the ninth-grade exam. Adding this grade is creating exponential opportunity for our students and their families. We need to raise $42,000 by December 31 to add the 7th grade class and help hundreds of students take the leap to completing the 9th grade certification exam.

Join us by donating today and helping Fatima take another step towards achieving her dreams.

$41,550 of $42,000
$41,550 of $42,000

Help Fatima Achieve Her Dreams

Donate to Project Generations today!
